Sponsored Research Programs

Sponsored programs refer to initiatives or projects that receive financial support or funding from external organizations or entities, such as government agencies, private foundations, or corporations, often in exchange for specific deliverables, outcomes, or objectives. In academia, grants are awarded for a wide variety of research, training, and community projects.

VCU’s Research and Innovation department works with units to design research projects that can be funded externally through grants. Research at VCU boasts a combined award amount that exceeds $400M.

Sponsored Research Programs Total Budget: $354.6M

Budgeted research expenditures

  • FY18 $225.0M to FY24 $354.0M 
  • 57% increase in budget over the past 5 years

Significant grants awarded or expected include:

  • Clinical & Translational Science Award - CTSA (Translational Sciences) renewal ($4.0M Per Year)
  • M4All Gates renewal ($4.0M Per Year)
  • Massey Cancer Center renewal and Comprehensive Status designation ($2.4M Per Year)

External sponsored funding saw a 12% increase over the previous year:

  • $405.6M - Sponsored program awards
  • $64.5M - State awards
  • $62.0M - Industry awards
  • $176.6M - Federal awards NIH, $95.7M
  • $102.5M - Other (foundation, gifts)

FY22 Sponsored Programs Awards

Sponsored Program Awards: Unit-Level Analysis

Chart showing VCU Sponsored Program Awards: Unit-Level Analysis

Facilities & Administrative Cost Recoveries (FACR)

Facilities and Administrative Cost Recoveries (FACR), also commonly known as "indirect cost recoveries" refer to funds that a research institution, typically a university or nonprofit organization, receives to cover the indirect costs associated with conducting sponsored research projects or other activities.

Key components:

  • Facilities Costs: Facilities costs encompass expenses related to the physical infrastructure necessary for research and administrative activities. This includes costs associated with maintaining and operating buildings, laboratories,libraries, utilities, and general research facilities. Facilities costs can also cover depreciation, repairs, and maintenance of these assets.

  • Administrative Costs: Administrative costs include the expenses associated with the management and support of research projects. This includes salaries and benefits for administrative staff, office space, office supplies, accounting and finance services, compliance oversight, and other administrative functions required to facilitate research activities.

These costs are not directly tied to a specific project but are necessary to support the overall research infrastructure and administrative functions of the organization. Not all grants receive full cost recovery (see exceptions below).